This week for Wednesday we did a maths worksheet in different stages each getting harder each time.
Maths Worksheet
- Author By peslynchs
- Publication date November 29, 2023
- Categories: Ako | Learn
- Tags: 2023, Maths
- No Comments on Maths Worksheet
This week for Wednesday we did a maths worksheet in different stages each getting harder each time.
This term for inquiry we have been focusing on technology and we have been creating a project, we have also been creating a DLO video to go along with our projects. Our question we asked ourselves was: What could we create to improve life here at Point England School?
Throughout creating this project we had some difficulties, we were meant to create a bean bag but we couldn’t find a material stretchy enough to make a bean bag cover because if it wasn’t stretchy enough it would burst. So we ended up creating a miniature model of a McDonald’s!
The captain of our group was Lynch and our co-captain was Hailey. And the members of our group were Lynch, Hailey, Manaia, Brooke, Ciannah and Te Manahi.
Our Highlight was having the opportunity to create something and cooperate with our friends to create a project. And our lowlight was filming in clips we didn’t want to be a part of but we had to because we were all a part of the group.
In conclusion we all enjoyed our term 4 inquiry topic and had a great time creating our projects even if they didn’t work out and go as planned.
This is our maths slides for this week and it is a mix of fractions,decimals,add and subtraction.
This is our other decimals/fractions work for this week.
This week we are revisiting doing decimals and fractions because that is what we have been learning about this term.
This week we have been prepping for our maths test.
These past two weeks we have been learning about how to sub/add decimals.
This is our presentation on what a 15-20 minute city is.
This is our maths slides for Tuesday.
This my maths work from room 3’s site.